Dragons of IKN Behind The Nusantara Hotel Project

Dragons of IKN Behind The Nusantara Hotel Project
Dragons of IKN Behind The Nusantara Hotel Project

VINANSIA.COM - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) yesterday visited the construction site of the Nusantara Hotel project in the new capital city of Indonesia, East Kalimantan. This project marks the development of the first five-star hotel in the new capital, led by the Nusantara Consortium under the leadership of Agung Sedayu Group.

The five-star hotel is set to be officially opened on August 17, 2024.

During his visit, President Jokowi inspected various facilities within the hotel premises, including the lobby, dining areas, and guest rooms.

"We have begun operations, although not yet at full capacity, since July 28, 2024," said Hazel Yehezkiel Pauranan, Assistant Director of Sales at Hotel Nusantara, in a written statement on Tuesday (30/7).

Hotel Nusantara is owned by a consortium of Indonesian entrepreneurs, led by Agung Sedayu Group's boss Sugianto Kusuma, also known as Aguan.

The consortium comprises 10 companies: Agung Sedayu Group, Salim Group, Sinarmas, Pulauintan, Djarum, Wings Group, Adaro, Barito Pacific, Mulia Group, and Astra Group.

President Jokowi attended the groundbreaking ceremony for this project in September 2023, where he expressed gratitude for the consortium's contribution of Rp20 trillion towards the new capital city of Indonesia.

"I extend my respect to the investors from the Agung Sedayu Group, Indofood (part of the Salim Group), Sinarmas, Pulauintan, Adaro, Barito Pacific, Astra, Mulia Group, and Kawan Lama Group," Jokowi said during his speech at the Hotel Nusantara groundbreaking event in the new capital city.

Another company, Alfamart Group, is also part of the Nusantara consortium. Although not mentioned directly in his speech, Jokowi acknowledged Djoko Susanto, representing the Alfamart Group.

"Mr. Aguan (Agung Sedayu Group boss Sugianto Kusuma), Mr. Franky (Sinarmas Group boss Franky Wijaya), Mr. Prajogo (Barito Pacific boss Prajogo Pangestu), Mr. Eka Tjandranegara (Mulia Group boss), Mr. Pui (Pulauintan boss Pui Sudarto), Mr. Boy Thohir (Adaro boss), Mr. Kuncoro Wibowo (Kawan Lama Group boss), Mr. Djoko Susanto (Alfamart Group boss), and others whom I cannot mention one by one," Jokowi continued.





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