Ilham Habibie, Son of Indonesia’s 3rd President, Explains His Candidacy for West Java Governor in 2024

Ilham Habibie, Son of Indonesia’s 3rd President, Explains His Candidacy for West Java Governor in 2024
Ilham Habibie. (source: youtube)

VINANSIA.COM – West Java deputy governor candidate Ilham Habibie revealed his reasons for deciding to run in the 2024 West Java governor and deputy governor elections. The eldest son of the 3rd Indonesian President Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (BJ Habibie) wants to run in the elections to improve the welfare of the people.

“The vision and mission is not far from what I have said, namely that there must be special attention to the economy because our people in West Java and everywhere need jobs, there must be a living, that's one,” Ilham said.

The alumnus of higher education in aeronautical engineering at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, said that apart from economic issues, there are many things that need to be addressed, such as quality education services and support for the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

“Secondly, education is related, so sometimes there are opportunities, but we cannot reach them because our education is lacking or inappropriate. Third, we must support MSMEs. These are only three of the many points that I should have mentioned,” said Ilham.

The former Chairperson of the Indonesian Muslim Saudagar Association said that a number of programs and visions and missions agreed with his partner, West Java governor candidate Ahmad Syaikhu, were so many that some needed to be prioritized.

“Because the work program based on the vision and mission agreed between parties, including with Mr. Ahmad Syaikhu, is rather large. But these three are important because they are very core to the challenges we face,” said the former Head of the Research and Technology Agency of Kadin Indonesia.

Plans for West Java, Indonesia

Ilham said, after registering at the West Java General Election Commission (KPU), then before the determination of the prospective candidate pair, he continued to conduct socialization to absorb the aspirations of the community.

“I think what we have to do in the coming days, apart from the usual program of visiting the field, visiting MSMEs, mass organizations, or also Islamic boarding schools, and others,” he said.

He said that his party was consolidating between supporting parties to formulate the right strategy in accordance with the expectations of the community through pro-people programs.

“Currently, we are consolidating between parties. So there are PKS, Nasdem, and PPP. This is only temporarily official, so there must be consolidation. Then there is a work program that is being designed and agreed upon,” he said.

Ilham, who was a guest speaker at the “International Seminar on Bugis-Makassar Principles and Characters 4 Ethos 4 Jusuf” at the Unhas Hotel Ballroom, explained the material about the theme of the seminar.

“This event is themed 4 Ethos 4 Jusuf. So there are four cultural figures who are ethnically Bugis-Makassar, there is Sheikh Yusuf, there is General M. Jusuf, there is Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, and Vice President Jusuf Kalla,” he said.






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