Controversy Surrounds West Bandung Regency Leadership Rotation

Controversy Surrounds West Bandung Regency Leadership Rotation

VINANSIA.COM - The recent rotation of echelon 2 officials, known as Rotmut, within the West Bandung Regency Government on September 2, 2024, has sparked controversy, particularly surrounding Rini Sartika.

Previously serving as Head of Bapelitbangda, Rini has been reassigned to the role of Expert Staff on Economic Development and Finance.

Rini has officially filed an objection to the West Bandung Regent's decree regarding this decision, citing legal violations in her letter dated September 17, 2024.

She argues that the rotation contradicts Article 9 of Law Number 30 of 2014, which mandates that decisions by State Administrative Officers must adhere to statutory regulations.

Additionally, Rini raised concerns about potential abuse of authority, referencing Article 10, which emphasizes the prohibition against using power for personal gain.

She contended that the decision lacked necessary technical considerations from the State Personnel Agency (BKN), as required by Presidential Regulation Number 116 of 2022.

In her objection, Rini asserted that the decision exceeded the limits of authority defined in Article 18 of the same law, which prohibits decisions that conflict with legal provisions.

The letter has been circulated to various officials, including the Acting Governor of West Java and the Head of the Ombudsman RI Representative of West Java.

#WEST bandung




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