Ilham Habibie, Son of Indonesia’s 3rd President, Explains His Candidacy for West Java Governor in 2024

Ilham Habibie, Son of Indonesia’s 3rd President, Explains His Candidacy for West Java Governor in 2024
Ilham Habibie. (source: youtube)

“Therefore, later the political parties will formulate in depth, so that God willing, the three supporting parties will really be able to synergize with each other,” said Syaikhu at the West Java KPU Building, Thursday, August 29, 2024.

Syaikhu hopes that the synergy with Ilham Habibie combines faith and piety (imtak) and science and technology (iptek) to realize the ideals of continuing the success of the previous West Java governor.

“We will also, God willing, give the deputy a significant role, not just being a spare tire, like being silent. Pak Ilham has the ability and deserves to be able to optimize West Java. A better future is of course the key, it was synergistic and then in our vision and mission we want to reveal the West Java saying silih asah silih asuh,” he said.






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